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Biblically Integrated:

Students are taught from a Biblical vantage point regarding origin, meaning, morality, and destiny.


More than just dispensing informative content, we endeavor to allow God’s Spirit to live in and
through us, reflecting His truth and love to those around us.

MHCS is preparing students for the world that will exist in 2040 (emerging technologies, critical thinking and problem-solving skills).

  • State Assessments: MHCS scores at or above state academic scores in every subject tested. (Source: DPI – Department of Public Instruction)
  • Teacher Credentials: MHCS teachers have, at minimum, a 4-year degree from an accredited college or university. They are also accredited through ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International).
  • Teacher/Student Ratio: MHCS boasts a 1:10 teacher -student ratio. Our smaller classrooms and one-on-one attention allow for accelerated growth and development in each of our students.

As a Christian school, our goal is to incorporate God and his Word into all of our subject areas. Our teachers are trained to help students see how God can be found in all areas of our lives, even school subjects like math and social studies.

All of our students, Kindergarten — 8th grades, memorize Bible verses weekly. In addition to daily Bible class, our students attend chapel once a week to worship together and hear a message from a chapel speaker.  

Daily instruction includes Bible, math, language arts, science, and social studies. Throughout the week students also participate in "specials" which include music, art, physical education, and computer. 

Personal finance and fiscal responsibility are integrated into math class, and students in middle school take a Dave Ramsey personal finance course to learn about budgeting, saving, and managing their finances. 

Elementary students have recess twice a day, and middle school students have the opportunity to spend time outside every day during their lunch period. 

Our curriculum is carefully selected and reviewed by a committee that includes our Director of Curriculum and Instruction as well as classroom teachers.